
Dear Friends of Menno House,

We are pleased to announce that we are again taking guest reservations. Rooms may be reserved up to six months in advance.

Menno House is a residence and guest house in New York City. We provide housing for church volunteers, students, and nonprofit workers, and we have three guest rooms for NYC visitors.

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Our neighborhood

Menno House is located in Gramercy Park, Manhattan, close to the Union Square subway stop. We are surrounded by townhouses, restaurants, and shops, and are within walking distance of Soho, Greenwich Village, Chelsea, and Midtown. View map

Our history

In 1957, our building was purchased by Mennonites—members of a Historic Peace Church—to house conscientious objectors to war while they completed their alternative government service. In the 1980s, house residents formed a local congregation, Manhattan Mennonite Fellowship, which bought Menno House in 1997. Today, MMF maintains the resident and guest rooms and uses the house for office and meeting space. Read more.

Our residents

Menno House provides long-term housing for volunteers, students, and nonprofit workers in New York. We offer up to two years of housing for people who want to live in an urban, faith-based community while pursuing service opportunities or educational and vocational goals consistent with the values of Manhattan Mennonite Fellowship, which owns the house. Learn more.


As a ministry of Manhattan Mennonite Fellowship, Menno House celebrates that we are a community with diversity of sexual orientation and gender identity. We are enriched by diversity in race, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, ability, physical and mental health, education, economic standing, and relationship status.